Why I can’t blog

I see it every day. My facebook newsfeed full of blog posts from witty, creative, inspiring people. Links to other peoples’ witty, creative, inspiring blog posts. And I have to admit, a slight tinge of jealousy starts to creep up. Brandon likes to tell me I’m a writer, because of one chance event that he witnessed 5 years ago. I had a tiny stroke of creativity in our cultural anthropology class when writing a paper about the funeral practices of the Latuko people of southern Sudan. When the professor handed back our papers, he told me I should be a writer and Brandon has never forgotten it….

But really, I’m not a blogger. I usually don’t have profound thoughts to write about. I’m not artsy. I’m not on Pinterest, and I don’t have a shop on Etsy.  I don’t have a hook….that one cool thing that can tie all your blog posts together and make people hang on your every word.  To be honest, I’m not sure I’m completely comfortable sharing deep, diary style ramblings with the entire world wide web.

And yes, this is my first blog post in over 9 months.

Between work and homework and a million other things that seem to be going on in our lives, it’s pretty easy to make excuses as to why I never update our blog. But lately I’ve been seeing the need to be more consistent. After all, once we’re living in Africa people might actually want to know what’s going on in our lives : )

So I’ll consider this my practice post. An agreement with myself to be more consistent, despite my lack of natural blogging abilities. Who knows, maybe I’ll even muster up a blog every month!

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