May 22 2010

For anyone who has asked… “Why God?”

When studying to find a book to study with our team in Zambia, I read and was reminded of a little read book: Habakkuk. If you are like me, this book is not one you run to to read for your devotions or to seek guidance. Yet this generally overlooked book of the Old Testament has great truth to answer a question posed for centuries by Christians and skeptics alike.

I have received many responses to my last post, both good and bad. I have had time to think and pray over the situation as well as other similar ones. The question that underlies them all is: why does God allow these things to happen? More specifically, why does God allow those who are not following Him and even working against him to prosper and remain in control. I believe Habakkuk gives us the answer.

Habakkuk the prophet poses this very question to God as the theme of his book. God had raised up the Chaldeans to punish and dominate Israel. Habakkuk’s question is why does God allow such perverse people to rule and conquer. I have echoed his question. How can God appear to “stand by” and let sin run unchecked? When men in leadership positions are allowed to do whatever seems right to them, we ask why. We know God is sovereign and nothing is done on the earth without his consent, yet why does he allow such destructive leadership to remain in control? From the leadership in our country to my home church this question is even more relevant. Yet even though God appears silent now, He was not to Habakkuk, and to us when we read.

God’s answer: chapter 1 vs. 5 “Look among the nations and see; wonder and be astounded. For I am doing a work in your days that you would not believe if told.” Now I know that the answer, “I’m God and have a plan you can’t see” is still not acceptable to some. But we trust God with our eternal salvation, can we not do the same with His sovereignty until then? Remember we do not wrestle against flesh and blood but against our enemy’s powers. Take comfort in this book; read Habakkuk if you have ever asked this question, and seek refuge in it! God is not silent and gives us the answers if we seek!

May 4 2010


….could there be a reason this subject was the only recorded prayer Jesus gave for future followers? Or the fact that this subject is taught with passion numerous times in the New Testament by Paul? Perhaps God knows something we don’t… a simple yet novel thought in our “Christian” world today.

I write this post with mixed feelings. On the one hand my fierce discernment for right and wrong demands right; while on the other, I understand my own shortcomings and need for humility. Yet I have for the last several months practiced restraint. There comes a point where wrong should be exposed and perhaps lessons can be learned.

These thoughts are at the forefront of my thoughts due to the situation at my home church in West Virginia. My Dad has been there as a pastor for 12 years. Nearly two years ago the senior pastor left abruptly following a $15 million building project to take a church in Southern California. Since that time, there has been no progress in finding solid leadership. My Dad put his name in for the position, but for reasons never explained, the elders and search committee would not let him come to the congregation for a vote. Contrary to what I would have done, he handled the situation with grace and humility. Never being one to cause division or strife. Yet he has been treated as one whom you would think he was trying to split the church for his own benefit.

He has been removed from the pulpit three times, all various and incoherent reasons, and has been referenced as the “Jesse problem” by men claiming to lead the local body of Christ. The elders and deacons will not listen to questions from those who ask reasons for decisions. Backroom deals and meetings are common. The church is now $16 million in debt for the building and people are angry and saddened. I don’t want to be harsh, yet I feel time for allowing things to continue without expressing my feelings is over.

This past weekend (my Dad’s 50th birthday celebration) was a difficult one. I have never seen my Dad as upset and hurt as he was then. I know he has made mistakes and is not perfect, but I do know his heart. All he wants is to use the gifts God has given him to shepherd the flock of Christ. Yet now, due to a few men’s pride and disillusionment, his life’s passion is slowly being drained from him.

My entire family is asking…why? This is senseless. How can God allow men like this to be in control of one of his flocks? I know firsthand the politics that can severely hamper the work of God from WITHIN the church. I have a lot to learn about how to deal with it when I know it will show up again. Perhaps that is the reason. I am a firm believer that everything that happens to us as believers is God making us the people He wants us to be. Who we are is more important to God than What we do. He can use sin and ungodly people to accomplish this…and that will forever cause me to be amazed.

So in this difficult and sad time I have several prayers. I pray first that God will be glorified in all of this. I pray also as David did in Psalms that those who seek to slit the body of Christ and mistreat God’s anointed would reap the fruits of their labor. I pray for action within the congregation, this can still be stopped if people step up for their church (or else I fear for a church split, and bankruptcy). And I pray for my Dad that God would show Himself strong to him.

…but what do I know? I am a little partial to my family…physical and spiritual…both need and depend on Unity.